The Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot let qualified caregivers and their family members come to Canada with the goal of becoming permanent residents.
If the applicants have been offered a job in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver, they are able to apply for permanent residence through one of the programs
01/ Language requirements:
at least CLB 5 ( IELTS: Listening 5/Speaking 5/Writing 5/Reading.
02/ Education
Equal to at least one-year Canadian post-secondary education
(Education Credential Assessed is a must for foreign education credential)
03/ Ability to do the work
Have past experience or training as a caregiver
04/ Job offer
Have a genuine and valid full-time job offer as
a home child care provider(NOC 4411) or
a home support worker( NOC 4412)
Application Process
Assess eligibility
Prepare required documents
1-2 weeks
Apply for a required job
Receive a job offer
Apply for the work permit and
permanent residency
Receive Work Permit
Work as a caregiver in Canada
Receive Permanent Residency
3-4 months
3 months
2-3 months
2 months
24 months