Start-up Visa
Canada’s Start-up Visa Program was a pilot program from 2013 and became a permanent program in 2018. It targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that:
• are innovative
• can create jobs for Canadians
• can compete on a global scale
All qualifying applicants can directly apply for permanent resident and have the option to apply for a temporary work permit as well.
The applicant can locate their business and live anywhere in Canada except Quebec once they get a work permit.
01/ Language requirements:
at least CLB 5 ( IELTS: Listening 5/Speaking 5/Writing 5/Reading 4).
02/ Get a letter of support from a designated organization
a) Have an innovative business idea and the related background
(Advanced Manufacturing/Engineering/Energy/Internet of things/Big data/Software development/Artificial Intelligence/Robotics/Service Industry/Life Sciences/Financial technology/Clean Technology/Healthcare etc.)
b) Get a letter of support from a designated organization.
03/ Have a qualifying business
a) At the time you get a commitment from a designated organization, incorporate a business in Canada; or
b) At the time you receive your permanent residence, you provide active and ongoing management of this business from Canada.
04/ Bring enough money to settle
Number of family members
Funds required
For each additional family member
Application Process
Assess eligibility
Prepare Business Plan
Apply for a Letter of Support from
designated organization
Attend an incubation program
Get Letter of Support
Apply for Permanent Residency and Work Permit
Get Work Permit
Operate the business in Canada
Get Permanent residency
1-2 weeks
2 months
3-4 months
Varies by Designated Organization
1 month
3 months
2 months
12-16 months